
Policy & Privacy

Privacy Policy This applications is developed and published by T appTools Coporation BY INSTALLING, USING OR OTHERWISE ACCESSING This applications, YOU AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT INSTALL, USE OR OTHERWISE ACCESS This applications. We reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at reasonable times; therefore please review it frequently. Personal Data: T appTools Coporation does not collect or use any personal data that may be used to identify or contact you, without your consent. T appTools Coporation does not collect or use names, email addresses, photos, telephone numbers, credit cards numbers, account names, account numbers or other information that would enable T appTools Coporation to identify you. If the app uses Third-Party services for sharing Content generated using this app, the app would access your basic data from such Third-Party services needed for the authentication, Content sharing or other